# Try Jupyter, powered by JupyterLite [![lite-badge](https://jupyterlite.rtfd.io/en/latest/_static/badge.svg)](https://jupyter.org/try-jupyter) A tour of Jupyter and IPython, powered by JupyterLite. ## ✨ Try it in your browser ✨ ➡️ **https://jupyter.org/try-jupyter** Clicking the link above should load a JupyterLab environment running in your browser. Open the Introductory notebook at `content/Intro.ipynb` to get started. ## About this repository This is a demonstration repository meant for use at `try.jupyter.org`. It uses the [JupyterLite project](https://jupyterlite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to embed a self-contained Jupyter environment in the browser, along with many popular packages in scientific computing. It uses GitHub pages to serve the JupyterLite bundle, and is accessible at https://jupyter.org/try-jupyter. ### How to edit these notebooks The notebooks in this repository are written with [JupyterLite kernels](https://jupyterlite.readthedocs.io/en/latest/kernels/index.html), so if you edit them locally, you will likely over-write the kernel information with your local kernels. As such, the easiest way to make edits to them is to do so [**via the Try Jupyter Page**](https://jupyter.org/try-jupyter). Make the edits you wish at that URL, then download the notebook and replace the one in a repository locally.